

A Chat software that I developed in 2022-2023 (10th grade) as a hobby project. This includes about 10 different other apps/games that are connected (todolists, reaction games, word games, typing games, etc...]). It has some issues due to me still exploring how to program in 10th grade but it was a great learning experience. I would say check it out but replit made it so you have to pay to keep servers up so this should just be linked to the code and you can run it there. I take pride in the fact that I implemented features that many large orginisations added to thier platforms after me (ex: youtube music[radio feature], discord[backgrounds, shop, borders, animated backgrounds, non-numerical ids, etc...]) At one point i almost thought they copied me haha. (btw still has dozens of features that discord will most likely never impelement so go ahead and check it out).

Takoma Park Orienteering

An Orienteering App as well as my 2024 (11th grade) Eagle Scout project that allows you to do orienteering in Takoma Park (may be expanded soon).


A Chat software that I developed in 2021-2022 (9th grade) as a end of the year project for AP Java (Not in Java).


A Tic Tac Toe game I made (my first attempt to figure out how to use node js, so that I could make my end of the year project Ronzi in 2021).


One of my very first projects.


When covid started me and my friend decided to start learning programming in pursuit of bypassing mcps no chat policy. We at the time were in middle school with no phones or computers other than chromebook.

© Copywrite Dominik Honzak 2023